“Let’s be Careful out There…”

“Let’s be Careful out There…” Obviously written just after Liam Neeson upset the Usual Suspects — and before the most boring, right-on Oscars in history — this appears in Chicago’s Irish American News for March, 2019. It was the regular watch-your-backs...

Who’s that Knocking at the Door?

Who’s that Knocking at the Door? Chicago’s Irish American News, February 2019 “Well, how do you do? I see you’ve met my faithful handyman. He’s just a little brought down because when you knocked He thought it was the Candyman.” The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Most of...

Reasons to be Cheerful

  Chicago’s Irish American News, December 2018       Good old Sinead O’Connor.  Well, as was.  Between the jigs and the reels I haven’t found a lot to smile about these past few months, but Sinead’s latest shenaninigans are… oh, different.  Even for...

Tricky Mickey Lowry & Other White Collar Crooks

Tricky Mickey Lowry & Other White Collar Crooks   Chicago’s ‘Irish American News’, August 2018   “What business had they, bringing me here to the special criminal court in Dublin?” wailed dodgy TD Michael Lowry after being slapped very mildly on the wrist with a...